Decision details


Decision status: Item Deferred

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report before Members proposed removal of industrial buildings and the development of nine residential properties and garages.


During the debate Members discussed the current untidy and unkempt condition of the site and there was general agreement that the site needed attending to.


Members also discussed the judgment call that was needed between tidying the site and the loss of the Green Belt.


Members also discussed the existing controls that were in place regarding the current use of the land.


Members also sought and received clarification relating to the current use and the enforcement action that could be taken.


Discussions also took place relating to the possible landscaping conditions that could be included with an approval of planning permission.


The report recommended that planning permission be refused. Following a motion to approve the granting of planning permission which was lost by 4 votes to 7. It was RESOLVED that consideration of the item be deferred to provide staff the opportunity to seek to negotiate revisions to the proposal based on:


·       Residential site curtilage material similar to the 2007 bungalow scheme which had been resolved acceptable subject to completion of  a legal agreement

·       That all other land used for the current commercial activity and not forming part of the above residential curtilage be returned to open Green Belt condition

·       In accordance with details to be set out within the application

·       That all commercial activity on the entire site be extinguished via legal agreement

·       That the residential development comprise of single storey/low rise buildings only

·       That the proposal included extensive, well considered landscaping especially around the site margins

·       Confirmation of the applicant’s intended completion of legal agreement for education contributions


In event of the applicant either deciding to revise or to keep the proposal as is without amendment either the application would be brought back to the Committee for determination.


Members also noted that if a scheme became resolved as acceptable further engagement would be needed with the Mayor for London on Green Belt related referral plus referral to the Secretary of State in accordance with the 1999 Direction Order.


The vote for the resolution to defer consideration of the item was carried by 7 votes to 4.


Councillors Misir, Wallace, Hawthorn, Van den Hende, Whitney, Martin and Williamson voted for the resolution to defer consideration of the item.


Councillors Best, Kelly, White and Nunn voted against the resolution to defer consideration of the item.




Publication date: 06/04/2017

Date of decision: 16/03/2017

Decided at meeting: 16/03/2017 - Planning Committee