Decision details

Appointment of Managing Director - oneSource

Decision Maker: oneSource Joint Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Members of the Joint Committee were provided with an update with regard to the recruitment and selection process for the Managing Director of oneSource.


It was noted that the Managing Director of oneSource was a 1st tier post and reports to the Chief Executive of the Authority of which the post holder was an employee.  Discussions were currently underway regarding which council would employ the new Managing Director.


An external consultancy would be engaged, via a mini competition off an existing framework agreement.  It was explained that they had the experience, expertise and networks to search and contact potential recruits to ensure reach with a wide market of suitably qualified candidates.   The cost associated with the use of an external company was likely to be in the region of £25,000.


In terms of timescale for appointment, when taking into account the need to contract a company to undertake the campaign on behalf of oneSource and both councils, the time necessary to advertise the post and search for suitable candidates and the selection process itself, it was likely to take in the region of 3-4 months for this phase of the process.  Once a candidate was appointed, the individual would likely to be on a notice period of up to 3 months.  With this in mind, and once the process commenced, it would be up to 6-7 months before a new Managing Director took up the position.


The Joint Committee NOTED the process for recruitment and selection and the indicative timeline associated with this.

Publication date: 25/02/2015

Date of decision: 13/02/2015

Decided at meeting: 13/02/2015 - oneSource Joint Committee

Accompanying Documents: